How To Help Your Children Take Care Of Their Teeth

How to help your children take care of their teeth

Oral care in children should begin as soon as the first teeth appear. A good culture of oral hygiene is essential for their growth. Teaching them how to care for their teeth will result in a healthy mouth in adulthood.

An early risk of cavities

Teeth begin to erupt in children from 6 months. From that moment, it is important that parents begin to take care of them. With a moistened gauze or a brush according to their age, they can clean the baby’s teeth and tongue.

There is a risk in some children called “bottle tooth decay. ” This type of injury is caused by prolonged exposure of sugars in the baby’s mouth. In some cases, contained in infant formulas or foods.

To avoid this type of injury, the baby’s bottle should be removed once the feeding is finished. You can also give him water to drink or clean his mouth as recommended.

Baby teeth should be cared for in the same way as permanent teeth. A cavity in a baby tooth can cause problems in the following. At 2 years of age, dentures are usually completed in children. From that moment on, you should make use of toothpaste.

Main recommendations to take care of your teeth

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 Until the age of 6 to 7, children do not have the ability to care for their teeth on their own. Before that, it is important that parents know all the conditions for a healthy mouth.

  1. Choosing the right toothbrush

 Toothbrushes should be chosen according to the age and size of the child. Those with a small head and soft bristles are recommended. Once it feels worn, with the bristles open or flattened, the brush must be discarded.

Use the indicated toothpaste

 Before age 6, low or fluoride-free toothpaste is recommended.

It is necessary to use a small amount of toothpaste. Toothbrushes generally have a different coloration in the center of the bristles. This indicates the amount of toothpaste to apply.

For children under 2 years of age, the amount of pasta prescribed is the size of a grain of rice. While for over 3 years, the amount equals the measure of a pea.

Apply good brushing technique

 The teeth must be brushed at least twice a day. In the morning and in the evening, after dinner. This last moment is very important to avoid cavities.

They should be brushed vertically, from the bottom up. Starting at the gum and ending at the top of the tooth. This same technique is applied to the external and internal faces of the teeth.

The grinding wheels, for their part, are cleaned horizontally on the side where they grind the food.

Time is also an important factor during brushing. Today there are children’s brushes with lights or songs that last the indicated time.


 It is very positive to consult with the dentist about the use of dental floss. It is generally recommended once a day, on teeth that collide with each other.

Visit the specialist

 From the age of 2, children should be seen by the dentist to take care of their teeth. The consultations allow us to ensure their correct evolution and good care of them.

Take care of the diet

 To avoid cavities, excessive consumption of sugars must be reduced. Similarly, foods that are high in starch such as pasta, breads, etc. Increasing the consumption of dairy products, vegetables and fruits strengthens the teeth.

Common mistakes when caring for your teeth

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 Let the child brush himself. Although it is good to give responsibilities to children, teeth require adult supervision.

  1. Avoid meals after the last brushing of the day. Some parents let their children have a snack before going to bed. This freedom exposes children to tooth decay.
  2. Skipping dental visits.
  3. Ignore an injury. It is not always easy to know when a child has a cavity. Most commonly, they complain of a toothache or tooth ache. You may also be sensitive to cold or hot foods.

Faced with any of these symptoms, it is better to see a specialist.

The importance of taking good care of teeth from childhood

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