Riddles In The Hobbit And Their Answers

Back? He thought. “It’s no use. Go for some side path? Impossible! Go forward? No alternative! Go ahead then! ” – Bilbo Baggins.
Riddles in The Hobbit and Their Answers

The hobbit is a literary work that is ideal for all audiences. And although a text-based film trilogy recently came to light, there was already a cartoon adaptation dating back to 1977.

It was published thanks to a boy named Rayner who read the manuscript and enjoyed it so much that his father, who was in charge of an editorial, decided to publish it. The lucky date was September 29, 1937 (20th century). Since then, it has managed to place itself among one of the great classics of fantastic literature and continues to arouse the fans of many.

Tolkien and his passion for language

John Ronald Reuel Tolkien was always a curious and diligent boy in studies. He had a particular interest in linguistics and even played with invented languages ​​in his time outdoors with his siblings, cousins, and closest friends. This great fascination grew with him and led him to develop a deep love for words. So much so that he specialized in philology when he got to university.

He never stopped learning languages ​​of all kinds, but he had a special predilection for Germanic ones. On the other hand, his mother inspired him with a great admiration for nature through the botanical teachings that she taught him from an early age.

Since he had a perfectionist character, he took as his work methodology (and lifestyle) the constant review and updating of all his ideas. In this way his inventions managed to form a solid, wide and rich universe. 

JR R Tolkien, the author of Middle-earth and the riddles in The Hobbit

The story behind the book

Despite his great talent and his inordinate love for language and literature, Tolkien did not really aspire to a literary career. Had it not been for the fact that one of his closest friends C. S Lewis motivated him to publish  “The Hobbit”, he would have left his work to the delight of himself, his family and that of his literary circle.

One fine day, while correcting a test for one of his students, Tolkien had an idea. He quickly wrote it down on the same test sheet and later this became the first line of his novel The Hobbit. Today, it is known for being the prequel to “The Lord of the Rings.”

The first page of The Hobbit.

The hobbit tells the story of Bilbo Baggins, who decides to break the calm of his routine life and go on an adventure in the company of a wizard and some dwarves who will try to recover a kingdom from the clutches of a fearsome dragon.

The book has a total of 324 pages and includes not only a fascinating story but also several linguistic games (rhymes, riddles, riddles, etc.) specially designed to make the reader participate in the action that takes place, while developing their wit and sharpening their senses. .

Professor Tolkien reflected in all his work, but especially in The Hobbit, his best ideas about rhyme and the guessing game. Certainly there is a great sense of humor that does not exclude or reduce the depth of his lessons. The fun is present from the first line to the last.

Riddles in The Hobbit

The riddles and riddles that were part of the dialogue between Bilbo and Gollum have gone down in history because they are fun not only for fans but also for children. Here are some of the most ingenious riddles:

  • It sings without having a voice, it can fly without wings, without biting teeth, and without a mouth it can speak. Wind.
  • It cannot be seen or felt, it occupies all the empty spaces. It cannot be smelled or heard, it is behind the stars, and it is at the foot of the hills, it arrives first and stays; bad laughs and ends lives. Darkness.
  • The roots cannot be seen and are taller than a tree. Up, very up, goes up ; however, it never grows. The mountain.
  • Thirty white horses. In a red mountain range, which when they ride they pound and grind but then rest. Teeth.
  • It can devour all things: plants, beasts, flowers, and birds. It gnaws at iron and bites into steel, kills kings, ruins cities, and can topple high mountains. Time.
  • Everyone can live without breath; and they are cold as the dead. They are never thirsty and they always drink. They all have tights. They are always silent. Fish.
Gollum playing riddles in The Hobbit

One Last Thought and The Hobbit

Tolkien’s universe can bring us a lot at any age. Therefore, it is worth sharing, commenting and reflecting on his work. We will be pleasantly surprised to see that the same book, character or specific event can take us through different paths, without erasing or canceling the previous ones.

Children's riddles and their many benefits

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