The Relationship Between Christmas Decoration And Happiness, According To Science

Have you started preparing your home for the arrival of Christmas? Discover the relationship between Christmas decoration and happiness!
The relationship between Christmas decorations and happiness, according to science

Christmas is approaching, a time when the streets and houses are filled with color and brightness. Are you one of those who love this time of year? Do you like to put decorations in all the corners of your home? This can be synonymous with joy and positivity! Next, based on what science says, we explain the relationship between Christmas decoration and happiness.

You have surely heard of the Christmas spirit, characterized by solidarity, peace, love and harmony. Well, unconsciously, people relate all these feelings and emotions to Christmas decorations, so that people perceive others in one way or another based on the lights and decorations placed in their homes at this time.

Do you want to know more about this topic? Pay attention to what we tell you in the following lines.

House decorated for Christmas because there is a relationship between Christmas decoration and happiness.

The relationship between Christmas decorations and happiness, according to science

According to scientific research published in the Journal Environmental Psychology , people who decorate the exterior of their homes for Christmas convey greater friendliness and closeness to their neighbors and are seen as friendlier than those who do not.

To reach this conclusion, the psychologists Carol M. Werner, Sonja Peterson Lewis and Barbara B. Brown studied the reactions of several participants to the visualization of a series of photographs in which they could observe the facades, patios and front gardens of several houses , some of them decorated and others undecorated.

The participants evaluated the owners of the houses in which there were Christmas decorations as open and sociable, and attributed to them attitudes that favor cohesion and positive relationships with other residents of the same neighborhood.

More conclusions from the study

These results suggest that people can take advantage of the Christmas season to give a good image and integrate more into the neighborhood.

In addition, according to this study, Christmas decoration not only has a positive impact on the environment in which one lives, but is also beneficial for the individual mood. Preparing the home for the arrival of Christmas has been shown to increase the degree of happiness and joy and the levels of anxiety and stress accumulated throughout the year to decrease.

About Christmas decorations and happiness

One of the reasons why Christmas decoration is closely related to happiness is because, thanks to decorations and lights, the house is filled with color and brightness, which inevitably causes a strong feeling of illusion and hope, both in the oldest and in the smallest. Suddenly it seems that the atmosphere is flooded with magic!

In addition, the Christmas decoration allows you to break with the daily routine, which is a sign that special dates are approaching in which you can disconnect and spend quality time with your family.

And you, have you already started putting up the Christmas decorations? Remember that decorations and lights can help you feel and convey happiness. Make your home reflect the true spirit of Christmas!

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