Having A Dog During Pregnancy Has Its Benefits

The company of a dog during the gestation process can bring numerous physical and emotional benefits. We will tell you about them below.
Having a dog during pregnancy has its benefits

Despite what you might believe, having a dog during pregnancy has clear benefits. It is a being that as part of the family provides unconditional support that could be useful in many cases.

We know that living with an animal during a process as delicate as pregnancy can be a cause for concern. In fact, it may sometimes be contraindicated. However, with the necessary precautions in mind, the company of these furry friends can be of great help.

How can a dog help us during pregnancy?

Among the main functions of the dog in people’s lives is to provide company, allow responsibility for a living being and establish an emotional relationship. These functions count a lot in pregnancy, as future mothers can undergo different changes in their state. And these could be balanced by the presence of these friends.

For experts, a pet dog is generally very balanced. It is one more member of the family, whose coexistence has allowed him to be healthy, obedient and respectful. So, as long as hygiene and safety regulations are covered, there should be no problem with canine presence in these cases.


In the same way, due to the very probable attachment of the mother to the dog, staying in contact with him favors his emotional balance, reduces the appearance of stress and depression. The presence of the dog provides the company that is not always at home. If during pregnancy we spend a long time alone, it is someone with experience in this type of support.

Benefits of having a dog during pregnancy

Scientists say that having a dog gives pregnant women the opportunity to continue their lives according to their habits. In this sense, it is very likely that the experience with the animal involves pleasant, comforting, stimulating and healthy activities.

Among the main benefits of the canine pet during pregnancy we have:

  • Dogs can help with weight reduction, decrease obesity levels, and improve the cardiovascular system. Well, they favor and promote physical exercise by needing to be taken for a daily walk. Moderate physical exercise during pregnancy helps prevent complications at the time of delivery and reduces the chances of premature birth.
  • Canine companionship allows stress levels to decrease and at the same time makes people feel happier because it stimulates the secretion of endorphins.
  • Knowing that we have a dog at home causes a feeling of security, as it can warn the presence of people in the surroundings and in many cases also indicate that there are unwanted animals in the house.
  • To a large extent, dogs can help save lives, because with a certain level of training they are capable of giving warning in emergencies, reaching for objects, opening doors or maintaining an alert situation.
  • That children grow up in the company of a pet helps them to develop healthily because they are exposed to more bacteria, which is why they become more resistant at the immune level.

What precautions should we take?

For the benefits of living with a dog in the gestation period to be fully effective, we must be prudent during this experience. In this sense, it is important to take into account these prevention measures:

  • When we go for a walk with the dogs, we must avoid that they lead us uncontrollably, because this could make us fall. Other violent movements or the typical romp can also cause accidents.
  • To prevent risks, it is recommended that pets are vaccinated against rabies, coronavirus and parvovirus, as well as dewormed; in addition to maintaining hygiene at all times.
  • It is not advisable for the pregnant woman to clean the dog’s waste, in order to avoid contact with the parasites present in the feces.
  • It is preferable that the pregnant woman does not come into contact with the dog’s mouth, as there may be harmful bacteria in her saliva.

However, following adequate precautionary and hygiene measures, the company of these animals can be very beneficial. With a dog by your side, you will have an inseparable and faithful companion who will accompany you in this very special and important life process.

Benefits of growing up with a pet

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