The Importance Of Stories In Learning

Children are learning machines, so we must pay special attention to the importance of stories in their daily lives.
The importance of stories in learning

Knowing the importance of stories is crucial for children’s growth. Creating a reading habit at home will  allow the little ones to empathize with the environment and develop their imagination, to solve different problems or conflicts.

Most of us are born with different types of creativity that is developed by using the appropriate methodology. Although all people have the ability to create, in children it is accentuated due to their growth condition, being the right time to start encouraging learning with stories or stories.

The importance of stories in children’s learning

Creativity can be stimulated and increased as various stories are taught every day. The stories will help develop cognitive abilities, stimulating your brain to learn new skills . For this reason, it is essential that parents know the importance of stories in learning and the other benefits that this habit can generate.

1. Stimulation

Folk tales are a good way to get closer to different cultures. They are stories capable of leaving great teachings in the environment, which makes us open our perspective to other worlds by offering us the stories and teachings of other people.

Reading improves social skills

Children love stories and often do not know that it is a very creative and didactic way of learning. If we look at earlier times  we can see the great importance of the most popular stories and stories, providing knowledge and learning to survive and integrate into society.

Neuroscience has taught us that the human brain is social. That is why the child learns more easily when interacting with other people. Additionally, metaphors in stories have been shown to be perfect for creating new neural connections in the brain.

2. Encourage imagination

The stories are ideal to create a good connection and interaction with children, promoting the expansion of imagination and creativity. This will allow them to evade fears and in most cases, make them feel brave and capable of anything because they have been inspired by their favorite characters in the stories.

It is best to tell the stories at bedtime, it is the perfect moment in which  the subconscious mind lets all the imagination flow naturally. In general, people usually, the first thing that dreams is the last thing that you think about when it comes to going to bed. That is why if we tell a story to the children at bedtime we will be helping them to learn while they sleep.

3. Reflections and teachings

Children, when listening to stories and stories, tend to become more reflective because they will find messages in them  that will help them understand how they should act and react in various situations. In addition, they acquire the ability to listen and be more patient, developing empathy and the ability to put themselves in the place of others.

Once the story is finished, it is good to encourage children to do various creative activities, such as inventing another story with similar characters and their own story.

4. Logical and practical thinking

Many people know the importance of stories, but what they do not know is that stories help in logical and mathematical thinking, because they allow them to describe characters or animals. It also allows them to sequence the scenes of each chapter, know the beginning, the end and create the scenes, which will even help them to acquire greater retention of information and the different events they have experienced.

In the practical part it is even better, because children learn after having listened to the story. This allows them greater expressiveness and creativity to imitate animals, develop plastic skills, draw or even solve problems such as puzzles or better called puzzles.

Children's puzzles are a great way for children to develop their creativity

5. Emotional instrument

Children’s sensitivity is important. That is why  stories are and continue to be an emotional instrument to help increase emotions in a positive way. In general terms, it is a social resource, which allows opening different doors in learning, especially in coexistence and tolerance.

It is essential that parents know the importance of stories in children and create a reading habit. This will make the little ones develop skills much faster and know how to respond in various situations.

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