7 Resources To Review Prepositions

For or for? To or from? Children sometimes get into trouble with prepositions, but luckily we have the best resources to help them learn them well while playing.
7 resources to review prepositions

Prepositions are many and their meaning can change depending on the context. It is quite a challenge to master the prepositions. That’s why we’ve compiled 7 resources that will make reviewing prepositions easy and fun.

First things first: you have to define which are the most common prepositions. Remember that there are compound prepositions and others that are used less, but especially children focus on the following:

Review prepositions with games

1. The goose of prepositions

You have surely played goose a thousand times, so we bring you a reinterpretation of this game. José Ramón Rodríguez, teacher of Spanish and Spanish as a foreign language, proposes us to give this traditional game a twist.

In this proposal you will have to make a trip through Spain in which each box contains a phrase with one or more gaps that you must complete with the correct phrase. But don’t trust yourself! As in the original game, you will have squares that will make you move forward, backward and start over.

Resources to review prepositions.

2. The Tale of The Cabin

Stories are a very simple way to transmit values ​​and knowledge, so why not take advantage of them to remember prepositions? Julia Núñez Saíz must have thought the same when she created the story of La Cabaña .

This story follows a mnemonic rule to learn all the main prepositions, which always appear at the beginning of each line. In addition, it can be adapted. If it is too long or complicated, you just have to make your own version.

3. Design your city

Get your creative streak going over prepositions of place with your kids. Take a piece of paper and pencils to design your city and add the name of the streets and the name or a drawing to differentiate each building. Now they will only have to correctly answer the question “Where is the x?” .

And, if you like challenges, you can leave the city without names in most of the buildings. Then, the mayor (the adult) will have to say where each building will be or indicate the directions that the rest of the players must follow until they reach the building. Will the children be able to put all the names in the correct place?

Review prepositions with the ELE teacher

Looking for simple activities and explanations about prepositions? Profe de ELE is a great platform that will solve those little doubts in the most entertaining way.

4. Parcheesi

Like the game of the goose that we have seen, it is another reinterpretation of the traditional game. In this case, Daniel Hernández Ruiz has created a Ludo board in which you will have to create a phrase with the verb and the preposition of the box where you land.

5. Review prepositions with videos

On the web there are several videos in which prepositions and their use are explained with images and examples. However, among all of them we want to highlight the interactive video:  Where is Simon’s cat?

Resources to review prepositions.

The video is about a cat that, from time to time, changes places, so children must be very attentive and follow every step. The video stops with each change of position, asks the question “Where is Simon’s cat?”,  And gives three options. You can take the time you need to read, but make sure you know where the cat is.

6. Drag to the correct preposition

Another interactive game that you will find on the Profe de ELE website is dragging sentences. Depending on the difficulty, you will have two to four prepositions to choose from.

A phrase with a gap will appear in the center that you must complete with the correct preposition. To answer, you just have to drag the phrase to the correct preposition. The game is very simple, but read the sentence well before answering.

7. Interactive exercises

Finally, Daniel proposes several batteries of phrases in which the preposition is missing. In this exercise there are no valid clues; you just have to read carefully.

Also, if you prefer that your children do the exercises on paper, no problem. You also have an option to download the exercises and print them. But remember that the answers appear at the end of the document.

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