7 Pets For Children If You Live In The City

The space for pets in urban areas has special characteristics. It is not the most suitable for those animals with a great need for movement, as is the case with some dogs of breeds prone to hunting. However, there are many options for choosing the right pet.
7 pets for kids if you live in the city

The upbringing and education of children can be greatly benefited by living with animals. However,  you should be very conscientious and responsible when choosing pets for children if you live in the city, so that both of you feel comfortable and happy to share together.

The best pets for kids if you live in the city

It is important to note that the behavior of a pet will depend fundamentally on the education and environment provided by its guardian. Even the most loving animal can develop behavior problems when exposed to negative contexts. However, there are some animals that, due to their more balanced and friendly temperament, tend to adapt better to living with children.

In addition , certain pets require relatively simple care, either because of their small size or because of their more independent nature. It is a very convenient point if we talk about having a pet in the city and in an apartment.

To help you in your choice, below we will see the seven best pets for children if you live in the city. We also invite you to learn more about each of these species before adopting them as your family companion.

1. Cats: pets for children

Cats can be the ideal balance between a loving, balanced and independent pet. They adapt very well to indoor life and don’t need as much space as dogs, making them ideal for floors. In addition, kittens tend to get used to large cities very well, since they do not need to take walks outside as long as they have an enriched environment in their home.

Friendships between pets and children can be beneficial to both of you.

2. Hamsters

Without a doubt, hamsters are one of the best pets for children if you live in the city. In addition to requiring little space, since they live mostly in their cage, they also need simple care and do not require as much time as dogs and cats.

You have to take into account the importance of enriching your hamster’s cage to help him manage a healthy weight.  With this we will avoid the behavioral problems associated with stress and boredom.

3. Rabbits: pets for children

Rabbits are also excellent companions for children, due to their playful, friendly and affectionate nature. They are also very open to training, and can even learn to answer by name, make their bowel movements in the correct place, and even reproduce tricks and tasks. In practice, these rodents need to do a lot of physical exercise, so they should be free to jump and run freely around the home or in some external area.

4. Turtles

Turtles are a good choice for those looking for a calmer and more independent pet for their children. They easily adapt to life inside a flat and do not need walks outside.

Although these peaceful animals require relatively simple care , it is essential to be very attentive to their nutrition to avoid constipation or digestive problems. Likewise, we must be careful to choose the ideal terrarium for the species of turtle that we choose to adopt.

5. Canaries or parrots

For their part, canaries and parrots are excellent birds to keep children company and fill the house with joy. However, close attention must be paid to home and cage hygiene to avoid infestations with parasites and other pathogens.

It is also important to remember that birds are very intelligent animals. For that reason, they must have an enriched environment to stimulate their mind and avoid behavioral problems and symptoms of stress.

6. Fish

Of course, fish will not be able to interact with children in the same way as the other animals on this list. However, they can also be good pets, especially for families who have little time and space available. In choosing the most suitable fish, it will be essential to pay attention to the choice of the species that cohabit in the aquarium, as well as to the maintenance of the water.

There are many ways to prevent your child from being afraid of dogs.

7. Dogs

We could never leave man’s best friends — and boys — off this list. Dogs are capable of teaching children many values, such as friendship, loyalty, perseverance, respect for differences and love free from harm.

Dogs are very sociable animals, but they demand specific attention and care to maintain good health. Therefore, before adopting one, it is essential to verify the availability of time and space to offer the animal a dignified and happy life.

As you can see, there are many options you have in case you want a pet for children living in the city. What you have to be clear about before adopting them is that they are living beings that need care and a lot of love from the whole family. 

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