6 Stories That Transmit Values ​​

The transmission of values ​​through children’s literature is one of the best methods.

Education is essential in people’s lives to develop their personalities. Within the education that is offered, both outside and inside the classrooms, are the values. Teaching this series of values ​​to the little ones will make sure that when they grow up they will know how to live with themselves, but also with the people around them.

Dialogue, games and children’s books are some of the most effective ways to show and convey certain values ​​to children. More specifically, we will focus on the last of these tools: children’s books. And it is that their stories transmit messages that children capture easily and quickly, remaining in their memory, on many occasions, forever.

Due to such an important and broad topic as the transmission of values, below, we leave you a selection of stories that transmit certain values. You must take into account which are the values ​​that you want to work more deeply in order to better choose the titles.

Stories that transmit values

1. Elmer

The first of the books that we have included in this selection of stories that transmit values ​​is one of the best known worldwide in children’s literature. For those who do not know the elephant most loved by children, this is Elmer’s story.

Elmer is different from the rest because of the multitude of colors that he has on his body, and that gives him a feeling of loneliness and sadness. A fantastic story to work on values ​​such as respect, equality, acceptance of oneself and others as they are.

2. The Elf’s Gift

A lumberjack and a goblin will be the protagonists of this beautiful story full of values. Through its pages, we will see how the woodcutter will give a lesson in humility and generosity to all the little readers.

And it is that this has the possibility of making a single wish. What would you ask for? Something just for you? The protagonist of the story decides to also think about his family and brighten the lives of everyone around him.

A story from the Vicens Vivens publishing house to work on generosity, so important during childhood and later.

3. Julia and the House of Lost Creatures

Fantastic creatures fascinate the little ones in the house. That is why the story of Julia will enchant you and it will become one of your favorites.

A beautiful story that, in addition to including all kinds of fantastic beings, such as monsters, dragons, ghosts or goblins, will teach the smallest values ​​such as respect, social inclusion and generosity. The colorful illustrations of the book will be a delight for the imagination of the little ones, as well as the characters that appear in it.

More stories that convey values

4. The great book of stories with values

A work that compiles several of the traditional classic stories, which are full of values ​​intended for children.

With this book, the little ones will travel to different times and countries while learning values ​​such as friendship, initiative or responsibility, among others, with stories such as The Musicians of Bremen or Puss in Boots .

5. Curro, a hardworking beaver

Recommended for children from five years old, the charming protagonist of the story will enchant the whole family. Curro is a hardworking beaver. That is why he cannot spend a lot of time with his colleagues as he is dedicated to work all his time.

However, when Curro is in danger one day, he will discover that his teammates will come to his rescue despite having rejected them numerous times. An ideal book to deal with values ​​such as friendship, companionship, helping others or coexistence, among others, as it is full of values ​​and teachings.

6. I go with me

A recommended book for children from seven years old that will teach them one of the most important values ​​of pre-adolescence: the acceptance of oneself.

And it is that the protagonist of the story likes a boy, however, he does not notice her. His friends recommend what he should change, both physically and in his personality, for the boy to notice her. But … is it worth changing yourself to please others? You will get the answer in this fantastic illustrated book from Thule publishing house.

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