6 Self-esteem Problems In Adolescents

One of the obstacles that can affect adolescents is a lack of self-esteem. This feeling of inferiority refers to how one feels about oneself. In this article, we will analyze how self-esteem problems affect adolescents.
6 self-esteem problems in adolescents

Self-esteem problems in adolescents are related to a negative perception of themselves. Unfortunately, it is one of the disorders that affects the most in adolescence.

In fact, self-esteem is considered to be one of the main keys to success in life.  Developing a positive self-concept or healthy self-esteem is extremely important for the happiness and success of adolescents.

Low self-esteem can be particularly difficult in adolescence, as it is a time when young people are exposed to new experiences and personal relationships, such as starting high school or the first summer jobs.

Consequently, self-esteem problems are associated with a series of psychological, physical and social consequences.  These can influence developmental success in adolescence and the transition to adulthood, including mental disorders such as depression, anxiety, or disordered eating.

Likewise, studies affirm that low self-esteem is associated with a series of modifiable risk factors, such as obesity, television time or school performance. All these aspects should be discussed between parents and adolescents, in order to guarantee the well-being of young people.

6 self-esteem problems in adolescents

These are the self-esteem problems in adolescents that are repeated the most in most cases:

1. They are not able to meet the objectives

Adolescents with self-esteem problems have difficulty meeting their goals. Responsibilities have a direct effect on self-esteem; the fact of not being able to assume them or meet certain objectives directly affects their perception of themselves.

In fact,  adolescence is a stage in which young people must learn to overcome obstacles and the frustration caused by not achieving them. Similarly, a negative attitude does not contribute in any way to the ability to meet the objectives.

Rejection between equals can extend over time and worsen if it is not attended to in time.

2. Comparisons

The second of the self-esteem problems in adolescents that we present to you are comparisons. Comparing yourself is one of the mistakes teens make that contributes the most to undermining their morale and self-esteem.

Unfortunately, comparisons are constant in this process of personal fulfillment and training.  It is because teenagers base many of their thoughts on constant comparison. Comparing is not rational, since each person is different, with their qualities and their defects.

3. Low motivation

Adolescence is a difficult and sensitive time. Many adolescents find that their motivation to seek excellence is seriously compromised by the physical, emotional, social, or neurological obstacles that can occur at this stage.

Certainly, there is also  a high incidence of motivational difficulties among adolescents.  This lack of motivation can translate into apathy, fatigue, inactivity, lack of follow-up, non-compliance, poor academic performance, or social isolation.

4. Constant worries

Low self-esteem causes adolescents to have many worries in their heads about topics that, apparently, do not deserve special attention.

Worries are part of life, although it must be taken into consideration that they amplify and feed negative thoughts and insecurities, in addition to bringing with them a certain blockage of future expectations.

5. Difficulty relating to others

Difficulties relating to others are attributed to shyness, in most cases. However, the origin may also be due to lack of self-esteem.

In fact, teens with low self-esteem often have communication problems and are afraid or ashamed to express their opinions. Likewise, the fear of not feeling accepted makes relationships with other adolescents difficult.

6. Feeling of inferiority

The feeling of inferiority develops due to the tendency of adolescents to strive to want to be better than others.  This tendency is so overwhelming that as soon as there is an obstruction between the person and their needs, the adolescent begins to feel inferior.

Self-esteem problems in adolescents can lead to various consequences.

Signs of Self-Esteem Problems in Teens

A teenager with low self-esteem is likely to have negative thoughts about their worth and worth as a person. These are the general signs that show a state of low self-esteem:

  • They avoid trying new things.
  • They don’t feel loved or wanted.
  • They blame others for their own shortcomings.
  • They show emotional indifference.
  • Inability to tolerate normal levels of frustration.
  • Negative self-talk and constant comparisons with others.
  • Persistent fear of failure or embarrassment.
  • Difficulty making friends.
  • Low levels of motivation and interest.

Finally, remember that self-esteem problems in adolescents are characterized by a lack of confidence in themselves and their abilities. As a mother, if you detect that your child has low self-esteem, the most important thing is to try to listen to how he is feeling, in addition to providing positive comments in order to increase his confidence.

The importance of self-esteem in adolescents

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