6 Lessons From The Little Prince

The best thing about literature is discovering the life lessons that each story shows us. Here are some of The Little Prince.
6 lessons from The Little Prince

The Little Prince is one of the works of literature that, despite the passage of time, since it was published 76 years ago, persists and continues to be a classic among the classics. Although it is classified as a children’s and young adult’s work, on many occasions, children and young people do not understand the meaning of the story that is told in its pages.

One of the most important aspects that must be taken into account when reading a book are the lessons and values ​​that they teach us. For this reason, today we leave you some of the most important lessons that The Little Prince teaches in its pages.

In this way, and in the face of misunderstanding of the work among young people, adults play a fundamental role in making it easier to understand through the lessons that are applied.

Lessons from The Little Prince

1. “The essential is invisible to the eye”

One of the most important and outstanding phrases in The Little Prince book is the following: “You only see good with your heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes”.

Lessons from The Little Prince.

With this phrase, Antonie de Saint-Exupéry, its author, wants to make it clear that people’s appearances are not important, but that their interior must be known and prejudices removed.

Another aspect that this phrase wants to convey, together with the above, is that the truly important things in life are not bought with money or material things, but quite the opposite. Love, friendship and respect among others are the values ​​that really move people’s lives.

2. Discover new things

Leaving the comfort zone and discovering sensations and experiences is one of the things that all people should do in their life. If we never leave that comfort zone, we will be losing ourselves and avoiding things that life can offer us, both good and perhaps not so good. Well, at the end of the day, it  is these types of experiences that make a person learn the lessons that life offers and gives.

3. The importance of the value of friendship

One of the most prominent chapters of The Little Prince is that of the protagonist and the fox, who strike up a true friendship. With these expressions of affection between the two, the author wants to highlight the importance of having good friends around, but even more so how important it is to cultivate and maintain this type of friendship.

Very close to the value of friendship, the author of this classic also wants to highlight the importance of dedicating time to the people we really love. Well, only in this way can we create truly important personal relationships for each one.

Other lessons from The Little Prince

4. Chase dreams and improve yourself every day

One of the most significant phrases in the book is the one that says: “It is crazy to hate all the roses just because one pricked you. Give up all your dreams just because one of them didn’t come true. “

What the author wants to tell us with this phrase is that, despite the obstacles and difficulties that life can sometimes put people, we must not give up and we must continue fighting for what we most want until we achieve it.

Lessons from The Little Prince.

5. Know yourself, one of the best lessons of The Little Prince

Before showing love to others, and even knowing and judging the people around us, we must know ourselves.

Only in this way will we know how far we are capable of going. In addition to knowing our limits, we must be able to make a wise self-criticism before judging others. Only in this way will our mind and heart be at peace and harmony with the world.

6. There is only one life

One of the lessons of The Little Prince that is most maintained throughout history is that, as much as children grow and become adults, they must always maintain their childish part. This childhood part refers to the fact that,  despite the difficulties that adult life may have, it is necessary to have moments to enjoy and live.

6 classic children's stories

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