6 Board Games To Practice Mindfulness As A Family

Board games are an excellent alternative to bring children closer to mindfulness and emotional management in a context of family fun. We show you some interesting options.
6 board games to practice mindfulness as a family

Most parents are aware of the importance of fostering their children’s emotional development. However, it is not always easy to find moments or activities that promote this learning. For this reason, we want to show you some board games to practice mindfulness as a family that can be very useful.

The Mindfulness is a valuable tool to increase the psychological, emotional and social well – being. Its benefits include its ability to reduce stress, promote concentration and memory, and enhance emotional intelligence. For this reason, more and more parents are trying to include this practice in the daily life of their children.

However, not all of us have the necessary knowledge to apply it and you may not know very well where to start. Thus, these fun board games can make your task easier.

6 board games to practice mindfulness as a family

Family practicing meditation.

1. Calmly (from Flamboyant)

This game has been designed by Emily Sharrat, yoga teacher and mindfulness expert. It consists of a deck of 30 cards, beautifully illustrated, in which different exercises are proposed to be carried out. Through them, children and adults will learn to relax the body and mind and acquire simple tools to be able to stay calm in a world that sometimes surpasses us.

Relaxation techniques, body stretching or positive thinking are some of the alternatives that are presented.

2. I learn positively – Emotions (from Diset)

Focused on children between four and seven years old, this game contains different types of manipulative materials (pictures, cards, chips, roulettes …) with which to learn about emotions.

It allows relating various daily situations with different moods, thus helping children to understand their own and other people’s emotions on a day-to-day basis. In addition, it teaches the little ones how to properly express their emotions, how to control their impulses  and resolve conflicts in a positive way.

3. Mindful Kids (from Miniland), to practice mindfulness as a family

This fun game seeks to bring children closer to such beneficial practices as mindful breathing, yoga, meditation or muscle relaxation. To do this, they are invited to spin a giant top on different activity discs and perform the exercise on which the top stops. The variety of tasks, the colorful illustrations and the entertaining dynamics of the game make this one of the favorite options for children.

4. The Goose of Emotions (from Mut Kids)

The Goose of Emotions, designed for children from five years old, guides us through a journey in which we will explore 21 different emotions and strengthen ties as a family.

The action boxes propose positive reinforcement exercises, such as naming a quality that we like about another player; meanwhile, the question boxes help us to reflect on when we experience a certain emotion. It is a most enriching journey for everyone!

5. I learn positively – Yoga ym indfulness (from Diset)

This is another interesting proposal from Diset, aimed, in this case, to introduce children to the practice of yoga and mindfulness. It includes a variety of exercises and activities : from a roulette wheel with five different types of massages to perform, to coloring mandalas and 22 yoga poses suitable for children.

6. My Mindful Challenges (from Mindala)

Mother and daughter practicing mindfulness.

To practice mindfulness as a family it is not necessary to sit quietly to meditate, and this game is ideal to introduce this practice into daily life.

It presents 12 illustrated cards in which you will find a message, mantra or challenge that you will have to practice during that week. Paying attention to everyday details that had not been observed before, thinking before speaking or taking advantage of the moment of the bath to feel the present are some of the proposals.

Practice mindfulness as a family to create powerful habits

At first glance, mindfulness may appear to be an inappropriate spiritual practice for the general public. However, adopting the attitudes and thinking styles proposed by mindfulness brings us closer to happiness and improves physical and psychological health.

Children are still in full development and, therefore, childhood is a crucial stage in laying the foundations for this lifestyle. Calm, empathy, compassion, and emotional management are powerful tools that will serve your child throughout his life. So why not spend some family time developing them in a context of fun and play? You will all benefit.

Mindfulness and meditation activities for families

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