5 Ways To Show Love For Your Children Without Words

5 ways to show love for your children without words

When there is love, words are unnecessary. Our actions are often more important to show that we love someone. In the case of parental love, we do it all the time. Some mothers do not speak to their children before they are born, but they care for them with love since they know of their existence.

Showing love without saying a word is an act of great courage. Children not only need to hear that they are loved, there are other ways to express our affection. However, it’s not just about cuddling and hugging; letting them fly, supporting them in their decisions, are also demonstrations of love.

Likewise, things we stop doing can help show love. To love you must respect the other, act fairly and understand their behavior. Sometimes our mistake is in pretending that the children copy us perfectly and are the same as us.

When we act selfishly, we hurt them without touching them and without speaking to them. That is, without words we can also hurt; Without acting, we can still stop giving love. There are many ways to love and be fair. We need to tell our children that we love them, but sometimes without words we say more.

Love is not said with words, it is demonstrated with silences

Educate with love

Homeschooling happens every minute. Every day the child learns new things for him, he can discover them or we teach them. It is very important that this education is loving, because it has been shown to be the best way to learn.

Through emotions, children memorize and understand better. If he was wrong let him make mistakes, always showing that you love him even when he is not perfect. Showing you discontent over a mistake of his is not a proof of love, on the contrary.

In the same way, if we solve all your problems, we limit your actions, this is not exclusively love. It is necessary that the child knows the feelings of frustration so that he values ​​the support we give him in return.


Become their main fan

Words of encouragement are enriching for children. However, expressing support is not only done through praise. Accompanying him in his activities is an excellent motivation for him. Show your admiration for their triumphs, do it with your presence, hugs and applause. Words of encouragement are useless if you are not present in the important moments of his life.

Build trust

Some people ask us to trust them, but they don’t really honor this request. Let’s avoid making this mistake with our children, let’s win their trust. One way to do it is by opening up with them, telling them about our experiences can unite us a lot.

Teach them to overcome obstacles like you did. Guiding them in conflict resolution gives you a tool for a lifetime. Letting your child know that you, too, made mistakes and made amends gives them confidence in you and in themselves.

Don’t forget that you are their role model

The example you set for your child may be the best gift he or she will receive in his life. Let’s try to make that example last and make it worthwhile. Showing him how to follow our heart and practice values ​​is also a way of showing love.

Words do not teach as much as example. Without the need for sermons, or incessant repetition, they will learn from experience. Some people claim that at some point in the lives of our children, their parents are their heroes. If so, it may be the stage where we most influence them. Let’s take advantage of this condition to teach them everything we can.

Love him unconditionally


Although our love seems to be understood, sometimes we get upset with children or show no affection. It is important that they are clear that we love them even when they are not misbehaving.

Nor do you have to wait for them to do something good to reward them or flatter their qualities. Love must be shown as something inevitable, arising without planning. It is important to fight for the bonds of love to strengthen day by day.

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