5 Ways To Capture Children’s Interest

Children are full of energy and life. Everything attracts them but at the same time tires them. Getting their attention is not easy, but it is not impossible either. We show you 5 simple ways.
5 ways to capture children's interest

Capturing the interest of children is not easy. During childhood the energy they have is exhausting and, in the same way, leaves parents exhausted. If, in addition, your child is already very nervous, it is likely that you will end the day wanting to throw yourself on the sofa.

They are attracted to everything, but they do not like anything. They are unpredictable and volatile, and getting them to focus your attention is difficult. Even so, there are certain ways of capturing the interest of children that can help us a lot.

Being parents is one of the most difficult tasks that we will have to cope with. Raising a child and making him a responsible person has a lot of merit. Even so, we should not be overwhelmed if their behavior is still far from being correct. We have enough time to teach you to focus.

Keep in mind that each child is different. We can’t treat all of them as if they have the same life skills, because they don’t. Likewise, it is completely forbidden to humiliate them or make them feel bad because of their poor concentration capacity and what this entails.

5 ways to capture children’s interest

Use songs or mnemonics

Who has not learned the multiplication tables with songs? Surely you also remember the rivers, valleys and mountain ranges that, adorned with a melody, accompanied you throughout your childhood. Made-up songs and mnemonic rules are often really effective.

There are different ways to capture children's interest.

Like the songs we hear on the radio or tongue twisters, they  stay lodged in our brain for a long time. If they are also catchy and meaningful letters, your child will only want to strengthen their knowledge in this original way.

Reward him

Every time he shows that he has been attentive, reward him. It is much more productive to reinforce a positive attitude than to scold him for a negative one. In this way, the child will try by all means to continue getting your words of encouragement.

Compliments and praise for a job well done are addictive. Thanks to them, you will get your child, consciously and without having to tell him a thousand times, focus his interest on what he owes.

Identify their type of intelligence

Capturing children’s interest is not limiting them. Your child may simply not have found an activity that matches his type of intelligence. There are many types and each one has different characteristics.

Try to find their strengths and enhance them. He may be a math denier but a musical genius, or he is bad at letters because his great aptitude is sports. Do not try to adapt it to a single preset intelligence type, it is a mistake.

Nino distracted with pencil to ear.

Value what it does

Whenever your child says or does something, no matter how minute, value it. Make it feel special and valuable. In this way you will discover a lot about him and his personality. In addition, you will reinforce his self-esteem, so talking and reasoning with him will be much easier.

When someone is on the defensive, no matter how old they are, they are incapable of doing anything of benefit. If you try to attract the attention of children through punishment and yelling, you will achieve just the opposite. Think a bit, how would you react if they were always berating you for something you do without bad faith?

Use the colors

Use bold colors to capture your child’s attention. It may sound silly, but it works. Teach him to study by underlining with colors, this will favor his concentration. At the time of the exam, you will be able to associate the information to the color with which you have underlined it.

These little tricks may seem trivial, but they are very effective. If you need help or advice from your children’s teachers, don’t hesitate to ask them. If despite this the ways of capturing the attention of children still do not work, consider that perhaps they may suffer from a disorder, such as ADHD.

Be that as it may, they are problems that have an easy solution, as long as we bother to look for it.

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