5 Values ​​that We Have To Teach Children

Childhood is the most precious moment of any person, it is also the stage in which we learn the most, it is when we begin to form our concepts and models. Your child will learn from you, he will be nurtured by you, you are his mother, and his first and most precious role model; That is why you must try to stay close to the good, the beauty, the loyalty, the true and the love, because these are the 5 values ​​that we have to teach children.

It is in our childhood when we learn to recognize what is good and what is bad, what makes us good, what makes us courageous, what makes us move forward. That is the stage where we recognize the dangers that could harm our bodies and our lives. We learn that fire can burn us, that electricity can harm us if we don’t use it properly, and we understand that being careful takes us away from physical and emotional pain.

When we are children we try, like all living beings, to be close to what makes us good, what makes us strong, what comforts the body and spirit and at that moment the greatest amount of well-being and security comes from our Mom, that’s why we want to always be close to her, to her heart.

On the other hand, you, as a mother, have the privilege, the happiness and the responsibility of having the childhood of your children in your hands. The task of teaching should be subtle and sweet, qualities that feed mainly on a relationship based on solidarity and love.

The first thing that moms should teach their children is to appreciate how valuable he is himself and all the possibilities that he has at his fingertips just for the simple fact of being alive. With this foundation, your child will learn what is good for him and will also act well. You will know how to appreciate the good as a value.

The value of good

Ensuring the well-being of a special little person like a child requires so much effort and at the same time requires so much love that only a mother can fulfill such a commendable task. Taking care of the good of a child involves making sure that they eat, that their body and environment are clean, that they maintain their good health, that their basic needs are met so that they can continue to grow.

All mothers instinctively watch over the well-being of their child, it is written in their genetic code and their first mission, so to speak, is to preserve the life of their child, who is surely the most beautiful and delicate creature they have ever seen. his eyes.

But beyond the basic needs, every mother must ensure the emotional well-being of her beloved child and she does it every day, with her best and greatest effort, providing him with security, tranquility, peace, tranquility …

By doing so, the child is learning that he must behave in a way that preserves his physical integrity, his health and also his emotional well-being.  The child who knows how to distinguish what is good for him, what is good for him, and for humanity in general, will do all those things that are good for him.

That child who does good will be an adult who will eat healthily, who will sleep the hours he needs, who will surround himself with people who value him and help him grow, who will know how to identify and take care of everything that does him good.

The value of beauty

When you think of beauty, the image of a landscape, a flower or the stars surely comes to mind. Beauty, although it could also be associated with the image of a supermodel, is appreciated in its maximum splendor in nature, in creatures and phenomena that exist on planet earth and in the universe, among which are human beings. .

Most people admire beauty, and surely you are among them. If you unravel what you like about it, you will discover that you like order, softness, luminosity, freshness … All these aspects can be achieved by admiring the beauty of a landscape or of a person’s face, but also you can find inside every human being, a soul that exudes beauty due to the coherence of its acts and thoughts, the order it carries in its life, the smoothness with which it conducts itself, the luminosity it gives off …

Most of us human beings are looking for beauty. Identifying it, valuing it and nurturing it is an art that your child can surely master as he seeks his inner beauty.

Loyalty, one of the values ​​you must teach your child

The education of your children consists of filling their possibilities with strength, giving security to their wishes, accepting their decisions, and teaching them to be true to themselves.  One of the greatest satisfactions in life is to follow the opinion of your heart, to be faithful to your essence, to your principles, to your dreams and to achieve your goals.

Perhaps your son changes his mind and does not study medicine, for example. What he dedicates himself to will not be too decisive if he is following his heart, teach him to listen to himself, to be loyal to his values, to his principles, that will give you the peace of mind that his determinations are always guided by a good heart.

The value of the true

You will have already experienced that this world is full of a lot of falsehood, of many objects that are sold as jewels, but that are fantasy that with time turn black.  That feeling of falsehood is sometimes also found in the feelings of some people, in whom we expected to find true love, true friendship, true loyalty, but, instead, we find falsehood and Oops! How it hurts to find fantasy where we expected to find gold.

So in order to teach your child to recognize what is true and to give it value, as a mother you must exercise yourself in recognizing and valuing it. You already know what some of the signs of the true are; for example a piece of gold, like a real friendship, does not deteriorate or blacken with the passage of time. Time does not damage what is true, it transforms it, shapes it but does not damage it.

And so, little by little, with attention to detail, you will learn to decipher what is true and what is not. Many adults already know it, mothers especially know about true love, they experience it daily with their children, whom they must teach to identify the truth, the true and appreciate it as the great treasure that it is.

The value of love

You are the one who takes care of the future of your child, giving him shelter, care, fun, time for play, security, peace, solidarity, these are just a few signs of love. You, as a mother, now know more than ever what love is about, you know that loving is an unconditional act that is not affected by external agents.

Now that you learn with your son to truly love, he also learns with you, he is your teacher and also your disciple. They will both learn that when you love a flower, you love all flowers, that when you love honestly, time does not wreak havoc, neither does distance, nor even what the other person does, love is unconditional.

When you love your child, he learns to recognize love, to identify it, to practice it, to receive it and to give it. Love is the only thing we live for, it is what makes us free, what makes us feel alive.

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