5 Myths About Raising Babies

There are certain myths related to motherhood and child rearing that remain deeply ingrained in our culture. Let’s take down some of them!
5 myths about raising babies

For years, different myths about raising babies in the first months of life have been passed down from generation to generation .

Today, many of these false beliefs still hold true for some people, despite having no scientific basis. For this reason, we have prepared this article in which we dismantle several myths related to the care of newborns.

5 myths about raising babies

Baby suckling from his mother's breast during lactation.

1. Women with little breast cannot breastfeed their children

According to a study published in the Paraninfo Digital Magazine , one of the most widespread myths among new mothers about breastfeeding is that those who have a small breast cannot breastfeed their children, since it is mistakenly believed that they do not have the ability to produce enough milk.

But the truth is that any woman, regardless of breast size, can produce a full supply of breast milk for feeding the baby.

2. Breast milk is insufficient for proper feeding of babies

Another myth related to breastfeeding is one that says that breastfeeding is not enough for babies to meet their feeding needs. This is something that worries many mothers, but there is no scientific evidence to support this idea.

In fact, today, women are known to produce the exact amount of milk their babies need, as long as the nipple latch is correct and breastfeeding is frequent.

3. Babies should have their own room to sleep, one of the myths about raising babies

Some mothers and fathers believe that, from the first months of life, babies should sleep in their own room, and they think that this can be beneficial for the development of personal autonomy. However, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP),  babies should sleep in the same room as their parents for at least 6 months or even their first birthday.

With this, it is intended to give better and faster care to the little ones at night and avoid certain risks, such as sudden infant death syndrome.

4. Don’t always respond to baby cries

Despite what many people think, letting babies cry is not something positive, much less recommended, since the little ones need to feel protected and cared for by their main caregivers, with whom they will form strong emotional ties.

Baby crying in the crib, but one of the myths about raising babies is not going to cry.

Therefore, in order to establish a secure attachment bond, it is necessary to pay them continuous attention, and know that,  through crying, they try to communicate their basic needs (hunger, gas, discomfort, sleep, etc.), which must be satisfied for the sake of their survival and proper development.

5. It is not convenient for babies to live with pets

Another myth about raising babies is that they should not live with pets. But this statement is not only false, but also the opposite is true.

Today it is known that frequent contact with animals is beneficial for the cognitive, socio-emotional and physical development of children. What’s more, these little ones usually have a stronger immune system that prevents them from suffering from allergies, asthma or otitis.

New Parents and Myths About Raising Babies

New parents tend to be the ones who believe the most false myths about raising babies, since they are unaware of this world and, perhaps, are guided by what they have heard in conversations with other family members or friends. In this sense, it should be noted that, before making any decision related to childcare, it is advisable to inform yourself well and not get carried away by gossip.

Care Needed by a Newborn

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