5 Keys To Strengthen Family Ties In Times Of Crisis

It is normal that in times of crisis we suffer restlessness and discomfort, but the opportunity can also be used to create even stronger ties and family ties.
5 keys to strengthening family ties in times of crisis

In times of crisis, strengthening family ties becomes especially important. And it is in these moments when many families suffer with fierce virulence the uneasiness and restlessness that occurs to some of the members.

However, it must also be remembered that times of crisis, well understood, can turn into times of opportunity. So, in reference to improving family coexistence, there are many keys to consider to increase the time we spend with our family to make it fun and of quality.

It should not be forgotten that, today, in a crisis like the one we have been experiencing, many parents do not work or do telework, and the children hardly have classes and are at home all day.

Therefore, far from allowing this to become an adverse factor, it can be used to improve and expand learning while optimizing family relationships.

How to strengthen family ties in critical times

Whatever crisis humanity faces, since these are cyclical and, sometimes, little or nothing can be done to avoid them, it is important to consider them as opportunities to connect with families, parents, children and couples.

Parents tickling their daughter on the couch to strengthen family bonds in times of crisis.

In order to connect correctly with a family member, it is important to always maintain communication and promote active listening. Therefore, we are going to know some recommendations that will help us in these tests.

Maintenance of routines and schedules

They are important, above all, for the little ones. In a routine life with regular schedules, children feel more secure and know what to expect at all times. It will also be good for the rest of the family, therefore, it is interesting for organizing meetings, talks, conversations, going to bed, etc. Of course, you have to comply, if not, it is useless.

Promote individual autonomy to strengthen family ties

It may sound contradictory, but it is not. This tip is especially for parents with children. It is important that we take advantage of these moments to guide the little ones so that they gain autonomy. Take advantage of situations at home so that they learn to organize their room, fold their clothes, shower alone, get dressed, etc.

With this advice we make the little ones more autonomous and, at the same time, more self- confident and confident in their possibilities. Such security will be excellent for them to collaborate actively at home.

Knowledge of strengths

We could say that it is a kind of family SWOT. It serves to know the strengths, weaknesses and opportunities for growth in various ways, both individually and as a family nucleus. What is good about you together and separately? How can you improve to be more cohesive?

Parents reading with their daughter in a cabin built in the living room at home.

Avoid fear to strengthen family ties

In times of crisis, fear of the future and concern about what may happen in the short and medium term appears in almost all families, especially if the children are young. Therefore, it is important to prevent this defense mechanism from being activated, especially if there are children, since our uneasiness will pass to them and can seriously affect them.

Be that as it may, it’s worth being honest with them. In this way, we will cause less uncertainty and frustration than if we have them in ignorance, but they perceive the changes, concerns and restlessness.

You can explain the situation calmly, with words that they understand, through drawings, talking about emotions and feelings, etc.

Reflection time and less connection

The quality of time spent with the family wins many integers in these situations. Therefore, it may be a good idea to disconnect more from the computer and the smartphone, and connect on an emotional level, through reflections, conversation, free play with everyone, planning activities that promote creativity …

Times of crisis are excellent opportunities to get to know ourselves better, both ourselves and our children and the people around us. They are great occasions to develop values ​​such as empathy, cooperation and solidarity.

Take advantage of these 5 keys to strengthen family ties in times of crisis and so that your core is more united in those moments when you are going to need each other the most.

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