5 Animal Games For Kids

5 Animal games for kids

“Dogs go woof and cows go moo.” Does it ring a bell? Animal games for children are the daily life of children and parents. Here we want to leave you some game ideas for you to try with your little ones.

Animal games for children are a whole world of fun , as complex or simple as you want to make it. Children really enjoy discovering the animal kingdom , so drawing their attention to games will be easy.

Teaching is always a challenge. Therefore, we want to give you some trick in the form of a game so that you can have a fun time learning about animals.

Before you start playing …

  • First recognize the level of knowledge of your children . A child as a child is not the same as a child in the last year of primary school. It is better that you adapt the games to the age of your children, but proposing challenges that they must overcome.
  • Find activities that are fun for you, too. If you get bored, they are likely to get bored . Taking the risk of turning the game into a task is easy, and it is not what you want.
  • Let your children develop the game. You set the rules, but you will enjoy much more watching how they develop throughout the game . If you cut them off and dictate the way forward, they will soon get bored.
  • Imagination to the power. Break free of the established and enter with your children in the fun without direction . When you play, you know how it starts, but not how it ends. Enjoy the freedom of being a child again, together with your children.
One of the animal games for children is the classic '' veterinarian ''.

These tips can help make your playing time fun. Your kids can also make up their own animal games . Encourage them to do so and participate in their magical world of games and animals.

5 animal games for kids

Here are five ideas of animal games for children. Each game can last as long as you want and you can make the modifications that you consider . Remember that the important thing is to learn while having fun.

  1. Giving back their voice to the animals. The animals have lost their voice. We are the only ones who can help you. We must find the voice of each animal and give it back to them. To do this, we will join each card with the animal’s drawing, with the card that corresponds to its voice.
  2. Animal families . With this game the aim is to learn which family of animals exist. Your children are the baby animals and they look for their family. We are going to give them clues about their family of origin: how they reproduce, where they live, what they eat or how they move. You can use mimicry, noises, and everything you can think of.
    Toy animal families are a good option.
  3. Creating a new pet . We want a new pet at home and we are going to create it. We will use different animal parts and sounds and draw it. You have to name it and invent what it eats, how it behaves and all the characteristics that we can imagine.
  4. Animals with mimicry.  In a container they put papers with names of animals. You should all know the animals since, in turn, you will take out a piece of paper and you will have to act out that animal. No sound can be made, so everything will be by mimicry.
  5. Animal racing . It is a normal race, but between two different animals. We will take out a piece of paper with the name of the animal and we will run imitating it. Let’s see who wins!

Other animal games for kids

In case your children have the strength to continue playing, you can also use interactive games, which you will find on the internet . These games put new technologies at the service of learning about the animal world.

You can also help your children find more information about a specific animal . Wanting to know more is a sign that their curiosity is active and it is very good for them to enhance that quality.

In the market there are animal games in different versions: puzzles, board games, card games, etc. They are specifically designed by age, so you just have to look for the most suitable one.

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