12 Phrases That Promote Positive Behaviors In Children

Before yelling at a child for bad behavior, it is always preferable to use phrases that promote positive behaviors.
12 phrases that promote positive behaviors in children

On many occasions, parents feel overwhelmed with the negative behaviors of our children. In these situations, we may yell at, scold, or punish them. This has been shown to harm your emotional development, so it is best to use phrases that promote positive behaviors.

The theories of pedagogues and psychologists give alternatives that are much more effective than punishments and, thus, in addition, we avoid that bad behavior is repeated.

There are phrases that we can use to encourage positive behaviors in our children. If you don’t want to miss them, in this article you can find them.

Phrases that promote positive behaviors

If you do (a certain task), you can (reward)

It has been proven that it is much better and more effective to reinforce positive behaviors rather than negatively punish bad actions. If we want an activity to be repeated, we must reinforce it. If we want to eliminate it, we must stop providing reinforcement, and the punishment is, albeit in a negative way.

Parents talking to their children and saying some phrases that promote positive behaviors.

The rewards will be non-material, such as playing with them, going to the park, going to the movies, taking a bike ride, going out to the field, etc.

I know you can do better

It is important to convey to them that we trust that they can manage to behave and do things well.

I am very proud of you, one of the best phrases that promote positive behaviors

Let your child see that you are happy with his achievements and effort, even if the task has not gone completely well. Thus, we motivate you to do better next time.

If you keep behaving like this, I will ignore you

Yelling at him or talking to him to explain how badly he did it will only reinforce the misbehavior. We are paying our attention to him when what he has done has been negative. It is better to leave or send him away from where we are so as not to generate more attention on that negative behavior.

You have to tell the truth, never lie

Many children lie out of fear of scolding or because they are unable to distinguish fantasy from reality. So when he tells the truth, we must reward him. We have to praise him for the fact that he has been brave in recounting the action.

Let’s calm down and find a solution

Sometimes children cry desperately because they want a treat and we don’t want to give it to them. It is important to stand firm in our decision. We can help you calm down and find an alternative that makes you equally excited.

More phrases that promote positive behaviors in children


If there is something that he has not done well, instead of insisting on what he has done wrong, we have to give him the opportunity to repeat it to do better and correct, in this way, the error.

I love you

The fact that we tell our children that we love them and that we constantly remind them of this will help them to have good self-esteem, to behave better and be more positive.

Mother helping her son to ride a bicycle.

Do you remember that you had to …? You’ve doneā€¦?

Instead of scolding or yelling at them because they haven’t done a certain task and ending up doing it yourself, positive scolding is better. We can remind you of what you had to do to get it done.

You have been wrong, but we can learn from our mistakes, another of the best phrases that promote positive behaviors

It is much better for them to realize that they have made a mistake  than for us to tell them “I already told you . Like adults, we don’t learn until we stumble, so do children.

I will help you when you need me

In this way, we will show the child that, if he needs something, we will be there. Reminding them will cause them to turn to you at a certain point if they feel lost.

I believe you and I know that you will

We give our son the confidence he needs when he tells us that he will do something and this will motivate him to do his best to achieve it.

I know you did it unintentionally, the last of the phrases that promote positive behaviors

This phrase will make him not repeat it the next time, since you have believed him and have put all your trust in him.

After knowing the phrases that promote positive behaviors in your children, now it’s time to put them into practice. It is important to surprise the little ones by doing something good and reinforce them by telling them how much we love them and how proud we are of them. Use these phrases in your day to day and you will see the positive results in the child’s behavior.

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