10 Tricks To Cure Bumps In Children

Bruises, scrapes, and bumps are the most common injuries in children. Although they are usually self-healing, some symptoms should not be missed.
10 tricks to cure bumps in children

Falls and blows in children are common situations in everyday life. Bruises, scrapes and bruises are very frequent manifestations on the skin of children. Therefore, below, we will tell you some tricks to cure bumps in children. Take note of all of them!

Cure bumps in children

Children at a certain age are very restless, begin to explore different environments, and feel free when running or driving alone. This is the result of involuntary falls, bumps and scrapes.

There are several options for treating bumps in children. However, the main thing as a parent is to remain calm in such a situation and thus reassure the child.

1. Anti-inflammatory cream

Although this type of creams or ointments are not used in the acute moments of the injury, they have an advanced anti-inflammatory effect the blow or the contusion. At the same time, the product indications and installation methods must be respected.

Child with a blow to the head prepared to use tricks to heal bumps in children.

Some of them have glucocorticoids within their components and these should not be used regularly or for long periods. They can be considered broad spectrum due to their addition of antibacterials and antifungals.

2. Arnica, the essential oil to treat bruises

Arnica controls bruising, reduces swelling, and promotes recovery after local trauma. Thus, it accelerates the healing processes, rapidly decreases the size of bruises and restores normal skin tone.

Arnica also acts as a pain reliever. It is even useful for hair loss, acne, insect bites, sprains, muscle aches, bruises, and swelling due to fractures.

3. Local cold for bumps in children

Applying ice immediately is one of the most appropriate reactions when children hit each other. The cold causes vasoconstriction and decreases blood flow around the area, making the bruise less visible and helping to reduce swelling.

A reusable ice pack is recommended, every 20 minutes for at least 10 minutes each time. The National Health Service  recommends not placing the ice directly on the bruise, but wrapping it in a towel or paper to protect the skin.

4. Hot cloths

Although the use of ice is generally recommended to mitigate pain and act as an anesthetic effect, it is also recommended to apply heat to stimulate circulation and increase blood flow.

By accelerating blood circulation in the injured area of ​​the body, it tends to eliminate the blood that is retained in the formed hematoma. The application of heat releases tensions from nearby muscles and relieves pain.

5. Pentosan polysulfate sodium

Some creams that are indicated to be used topically contain Pentosan polysulfate sodium, a compound that favors the reabsorption of bruises. In addition, it is indicated to apply a very thin layer on the skin surface.

Pentosan polysulfate sodium is a compound similar to heparin, semisynthetic, whose origin comes from plants. Its absorption through the skin surface is benefited by its low molecular weight.

6. Oral pain relievers for bumps in children

Although there are previous measures to be put into practice, another option to carry out and cure children’s bumps is to administer an oral pain reliever. Little ones can get upset and complain insistently about pain.

The pain relievers suitable for use in children are paracetamol and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen. However, ibuprofen is prohibited in children under 3 months.

7. Compression of the injured area

Before any contusion, the first indication to be made is to compress the affected area and place ice to prevent edema from developing with the subsequent hematoma.

After having applied the ice for a considered time, and in turn, generate compression, you can resort to arnica oil to avoid the generation of bruises or bruises.

8. Cream with vitamin K

There are products that contain vitamin K among some of its components. It fulfills the function of reducing bruises and activates microcirculation to perform a vasoprotective action. In addition, vitamin K is one of the substances that the body requires to make clots and to stop bleeding.

Boy with a very large bump on his forehead.

In 2003, the American Academy of  Pediatrics  recommended that an injection of intramuscular vitamin K1 be given to all newborns to prevent perinatal bleeding.

9. Lavender oil

Bumps, bruises or bruises in children always cause intense pain. Therefore, to remedy this, lavender oil is very effective due to its analgesic properties. In addition to these properties, it has anticonvulsant, antioxidant, anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial activity. There are creams or ointments that also have it among its components.

10. Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree oil is one of the most widely used oils in recent times, derived from the Australian plant Malaleuca alternifolia . Among its properties, the antibacterial, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, disinfectant, antifungal and antiviral power stand out. It reduces the inflammation that is generated in the blows and helps to accelerate the regeneration process of the skin surface.

Bumps in children and medical consultation

Although bumps in children can be superficial and self-healing injuries without leaving any sequelae, there may be bruises that require more exhaustive care.

Thus, when the little one has vomiting, blurred vision, loss of consciousness or drowsiness, irritability, headache, speech, coordination or gait disturbances, a medical consultation should be sought.

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