10 Tips For Mothers Who Run Out Of Time

10 Tips for Mothers Who Run Out of Time

Running out of time when you are a mother is normal. Sometimes we wonder where our day is going; but in other cases we recognize that it is difficult to reconcile all our daily activities. For example, working life complicates most of our actions, but with motherhood the problem rises.

Both work and motherhood become incompatible from the first days. That is, even in the beginning of pregnancy, we could have problems working. But the time comes when we run out of time because of the tasks that as a mother are obligatory.

Since it is almost impossible to organize ourselves from one day to the next, it is best to take it easy. Some tips can help us improve our routine and organize the week.

These tips can help us get our time back

We already know more or less what we spend our time on, now the duty is to organize the tasks. To organize ourselves it is very important to be aware of our capabilities, but also of the mandatory limitations.

It is not that we change the laws or specific circumstances of each family. As you might suppose, everyone has their own challenges to face. For this reason, some guidelines are not applicable to all cases.

The following tips are for mothers who need to better manage their time; Let’s see what this is about.

Set your priorities

One of the main mistakes we make when organizing our time is the lack of criteria when establishing priorities. We usually don’t prioritize the right things. Given that our world is quite convoluted, it is very convenient that the approaches are sincere.

Try to get out of your head those things that are unnecessary, without excuses. Make way for today’s tasks, don’t get overwhelmed with what you have to do tomorrow. To organize ourselves, let’s honestly list what are the most and least urgent things. Let’s try to get the most urgent ones first.

One fact: take advantage of technology to organize yourself. Download an App where you can write down tasks and set specific reminders.

Make a weekly menu

Daily meals can take a lot out of our lives if we don’t organize ourselves. Therefore, it is quite convenient to have a menu that avoids complicating us when it comes to cooking. This also allows us to buy in advance what we need, so it will also help us with the shopping list.

Delegate tasks

This may be the most difficult point to fulfill, because it does not depend on us. We know that the main reason we get so busy is because we don’t have help. However, everyone in the family has a certain responsibility.

Depending on the age of your children, each one can help with some chores. Both your partner and other family members can collaborate and have a duty to do so. Try to get them used to helping you.

Switch off the mobile phone

In recent times the mobile phone has become almost a vice. We know that it is important and that we have the right, but we must be aware that mobile phone use distracts us. It is common for us to stare at the mobile for longer than we have. When you have to give up time, when you get home it is better to disconnect.

Make purchases online

The time we spend shopping is sometimes comforting, but it happens frequently that we start to lack things because we have not been able to buy. Currently most stores offer us a virtual platform where we can make our purchase. We can save a lot of time if we buy online and wait for the product to arrive at home.

Get in the habit of saying no when necessary

Wanting to cover too much is one of the main problems when it comes to making time. When we do not have overtime to spend on things that are not ours, we must say no. Some favors for friends, co-workers and even the boss himself can take away precious time. Always with diplomacy it is possible to get rid of delays that we do not need.

Ask for and accept help

When we’ve been burdened with tasks that we know we won’t finish, it’s always an option to ask for help. We know that some things touch us par excellence; but in many tasks we can ask for support.

Create a routine for the whole family

Routines can help us a lot to organize our time, because they offer tools to avoid idleness. Once we get used to certain habits, we will save the daily planning. In the same way, the tasks will begin to finish almost by themselves.

Recover energies

Burnout can cause us to underperform at work and housework. Therefore, it is very important that we take time to recover from all the hustle and bustle. For this, we can reserve a day for leisure; maybe a walk, a dinner, a trip to the movies. Going out to clear ourselves from time to time can help us perform in our daily activities.

Keep in mind that you are not super mom

Once we understand that not everything has to be done perfectly, we will begin to relieve a lot of stress. Certain things are mandatory, it is true, but others can wait and admit ups and downs. It is important that we do not neglect the quality of our work and that we continue to be better mothers, however, we are not heroines. Take it easy, enjoy life!

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